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Area of Expertise


Emma Graney has covered energy from The Globe and Mail’s Calgary Bureau since 2019, including oil and gas, alternate fuels, renewables, liabilities and green technology. She keeps her eye on the energy sector across the country, from the oil sands in Alberta (1, 2) to geothermal potential in Saskatchewan, the explosive liabilities of old gas wells in Ontario, and renewable hydrogen in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Emma was one of The Globe's team of correspondents deployed to Europe in the days following Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022. In 2023, she was part of the Oxford Climate Journalism Network cohort in 2023 and, in 2020, was a Columbia University Energy Journalism fellow.

Emma first landed in Alberta in 2016 as provincial affairs reporter for the Edmonton Journal, where she hosted the weekly Press Gallery podcast about Alberta politics and was part of the team that won a National Newspaper Award for Fort McMurray wildfire coverage. She has reported in Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and Labrador, the U.K., Indonesia and her native Australia, and has investigated artificial intelligence in China as an Asia Pacific Foundation media fellow. She holds a Bachelor of Journalism and a Bachelor of Business from the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane.


Years in Journalism


Years at The Globe and Mail


Bachelor of Journalism

Bachelor of Business

Honours & Awards

SABEW Xana Fellow 2024

Columbia University Energy Journalism fellow 2020

Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada media fellow 2018

Society for Features Journalism honourable mention 2017

National Newspapers Award (team entry) 2016

Newspapers Atlantic outstanding journalist of the year 2011

Professional affliations

SABEW, Oxford Climate Journalism Network 2023

Languages spoken


Emma Graney abides by The Globe and Mail Editorial Code of Conduct

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