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Operations at one of Canadian Tire Corp.’s CTC-T largest distribution centres remain suspended after a fire earlier this month.

Canadian Tire says all employees were safely evacuated from the Brampton, Ont., distribution centre after a fire broke out on March 15.

The company says the warehouse services Canadian Tire stores nationally and inventory is being transferred to other distribution centres as well as temporary facilities to help manage the flow of products.

The retailer says the extent of the damage and remediation timelines are still being assessed but repair efforts are underway, including electrical remediation, structural assessments and cleanup.

Canadian Tire says cleaning crews are prioritizing areas that will allow phased operations to resume as quickly as possible.

The company says anticipated costs including lost inventory, building damage, cleanup, repairs and delayed shipments due to the temporary shutdown of the facility are expected to impact first quarter results.

The retailer says it will continue working with its insurance provider over the coming months.

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