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George Weston Ltd. WN-T reported a third-quarter profit available to common shareholders from continuing operations of $889-million, up from $238-million a year earlier.

The company, which owns large interests in Loblaw Companies Ltd. L-T and Choice Properties Real Estate Investment Trust CHP-UN-T, says the profit amounted to $6.14 per diluted share for the quarter ended Oct. 8.

The result compared with a profit available to common shareholders from continuing operations of $1.58 per diluted share in the same quarter a year earlier.

Revenue for the 16-week period totalled $17.52-billion, up from $16.19-billion in the same quarter last year.

On an adjusted basis, George Weston says it earned $3.12 per diluted share from continuing operations, up from an adjusted profit of $2.43 per diluted share in the third quarter of 2021.

George Weston chairman and chief executive Galen G. Weston says Loblaw and Choice Properties demonstrated their ability to deliver consistent financial and operating results with strong third-quarter performance.

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George Weston Limited
Loblaw CO
Choice Properties REIT

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