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Police have charged a 40-year-old man who allegedly killed his roommate at a Hamilton care home.

Hamilton police say the man is charged with second-degree murder in the death of 46-year-old David Fugler.

Det. Sgt. Sara Beck says Fugler was found unconscious in his room by paramedics on Saturday night and pronounced dead in hospital the next morning.

Police say an autopsy indicated he was killed, and the homicide unit took over the investigation on Monday.

Beck says an “altercation” between the roommates, which went unnoticed by staff, led to Fugler’s death, calling the case “mental health-related” but declining to elaborate.

She says eight people live in the “group home-type facility” with “varying conditions,” before citing mental health conditions and developmental delay.

The 40-year-old accused was known to police and had a criminal record, Beck said.

She said the facility, which is staffed around the clock, had been “very co-operative” with police.

She said there was nothing to indicate there were any prior issues between Fugler and his roommate, who had been living in the same unit for several months.

No guns were involved, but Beck would not discuss Fugler’s injuries or confirm whether any weapon was used in the altercation.

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