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People in the Greater Toronto Area have long complained about the gridlock in the city, whether it’s residents who live near streets constantly clogged with cars or people who commute from outside of the city who suddenly find their time in their vehicles rising exponentially.

This year, the city announced round-the-clock construction on the Gardiner Expressway and reduced traffic lanes on major roads, indicating that the problem will likely get worse before it gets better.

The Globe is looking for stories of drivers in the GTA (or non-drivers affected by traffic) who have been impacted by the changes in traffic in the city for a feature article. Please fill out the box below with your experiences, or e-mail

Has traffic in Toronto wreaked havoc on your commute?

Do lane closures on the Gardiner double the length of your commute? Is seemingly endless construction on city streets your daily nightmare? Has the thought of traffic kept you from going to certain locations?

Share your worst traffic stories with The Globe below, or email staff reporter Mariya Postelnyak at

The information from this form will only be used for journalistic purposes, though not all responses will necessarily be published. The Globe and Mail may contact you if someone would like to interview you for a story.

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