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As investors pay closer attention to how environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors are represented in their portfolios, it’s no surprise that the number of sustainability-themed exchange-traded funds (ETFs) has been rising as asset managers cater to this shifting mindset.

A recent National Bank Financial Inc. (NBF) report shows there were 127 ESG-themed ETFs in Canada, as of Aug. 9, with total assets under management of more than $10-billion. Many of those launched in the past three years.

The challenge for advisors is sorting through this growing list of funds.

Globe Advisor spoke recently with Daniel Straus, director of ETF research and strategy at NBF, about the latest trends in ESG ETFs and to find out how advisors can find suitable funds for their clients:

As your report notes, there are a growing number of ESG ETFs. So, how does an advisor narrow down the options?

The main principle we try to communicate to advisors is to know what you’re buying; what’s inside. As analysts, we do this by sorting them into categories – such as type of strategy and asset class – and then comparing them. From there, it becomes a question of the underlying philosophy, such as exclusions or inclusions, and how those align with the investor’s values. For example, some investors might block out fossil fuels while others look for the best actors in the energy sector.

It’s also worth noting that many ETFs have similar names but can have a very different assessment of the types of companies that should be included in the portfolio. It’s important for advisors to understand which methodologies align with what their clients want to do. Education is key: understanding sector biases, fund holdings and concentration, screening criteria, etc.

How have ESG ETFs evolved in recent years?

One area that has been growing quite a lot is fixed income ESG ETFs. ESG-labelled bonds are a new kind of bond, and there are fixed-income ESG ETFs that focus heavily on these bonds.

Actively managed ESG ETFs are also a growing category. ESG used to be synonymous with taking the index and applying some light screens to block out controversial industries such as energy, tobacco and firearms. Now, the energy subconversation alone takes up an enormous part of the mindshare around ESG.

What other advice do you have for advisors on ESG investing?

If you’re diverging from the benchmark, depending on the ESG bias of the portfolio, you need to remember that your performance will diverge. For example, look at the difference between the performance of higher-ranking ESG companies in the technology sector during the first couple of years of the pandemic and lower-ranking ones in sectors such as energy, which fell. That has reversed in 2022, with energy outperforming and tech underperforming.

A final message for advisors is that the same metrics important to all ETF investors are still important to ESG ETF investors: fees, liquidity, and diversification. Some ESG ETFs are a bit more expensive, which could make sense if more work goes into them. Higher fees affect performance in the long run, which is also something to consider and discuss with investors.

- This interview has been edited and condensed.

- Brenda Bouw, special to the Globe and Mail

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- Globe Advisor Staff

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