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Employees spend a lot of time thinking about saving money for retirement – but what about spending it when they get to that stage of their lives?

A recent Sun Life Financial Inc. survey shows 80 per cent of Canadians feel more confident in retirement if they have a financial plan. Sun Life also says 70 per cent of employers want support helping employees understand decumulation. The financial services company recently created a Decumulation Playbook to help employers help employees spend their pension and retirement savings.

Globe Advisor spoke with Eric Monteiro, senior vice president of group retirement savings at Sun Life, recently about how employers can play a bigger role in helping employees plan for life after work:

Why is education on spending money in retirement as important as saving it?

Once people have built a nest egg, whether they have only a defined-contribution pension plan or part of their income is from a defined-benefit pension plan, the question is, how do they make it last? It’s a multi-dimensional issue when you consider people don’t know how long they will live or what their lifestyle will be like in retirement. Then, you factor in inflation, which has been a big issue lately. From there, they need to figure out how to withdraw their money in the most tax-efficient way possible. There’s also the decision on how to invest, including the right risk and return profile for someone in their retirement years. It can be very complicated.

What are some of the issues people come across in the decumulation phase?

One is that people are living longer, but only some plan for it. The most uncertainty comes later in life when health can fail, and the cost of care can be higher than expected. Many people take their Canada Pension Plan or Quebec Pension Plan benefits too soon, which can be a mistake because of the guaranteed income you may need later. It can provide some longevity protection.

Another issue is people need to be more deliberate about spending and how they want to live in retirement. If you want to take a three-month trip to Asia, for example, or you want more choice when it comes to long-term care, should you need it, you’ll have to budget for that.

Another pitfall is people need to understand or take the time to optimize their tax bills. That includes knowing which account to withdraw money from first and ways to avoid an Old Age Security clawback later in life if that’s a concern. A final pitfall is people assuming that because they’re in retirement, they should take no investment risk. Your retirement can be 20-plus years, so you will probably need some growth in your portfolio. In minimizing investment risk, you may be increasing the risk that you outlive your money.

What can employers do to help employees spend more wisely in retirement?

Employers have an opportunity to help people prepare for the decumulation phase by providing communication and support. The average employee shouldn’t be left to figure it out for themselves. Communication often includes pointing people to where they can get expert advice – and making that information simple, easy to access, and, dare I say, fun. After all, we’re talking about how to enjoy the final years of your life.

– Brenda Bouw, Globe Advisor reporter

This interview has been edited and condensed.

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Why India remains an overwhelmingly favourable investment despite rising political tensions

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How advisors’ client appreciation events have evolved following the pandemic

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Independent wealth manger Wellington-Altus Financial Inc. has raised $40-million in new financing, as it continues an aggressive recruitment strategy intended to attract high-end adviser teams from competitors. The Winnipeg-based investment firm – which manages about $28-billion in assets – announced on Thursday that Cynosure Group has injected $40-million into the company, in a second-round growth equity investment. This brings Cynosure’s minority stake in Wellington-Altus to 15 per cent. Clare O’Hara reports.

Bank of Canada holds key interest rate steady but warns ready to hike again

The Bank of Canada held interest rates steady for a third straight decision Wednesday but warned that it is still prepared to hike again, as it continues to talk tough about inflation in the face of market speculation that rates have peaked and cuts are coming next year. As widely expected, the central bank kept its policy rate at 5 per cent, where it has been since the last rate hike, in July. The bank has pushed interest rates up aggressively over the past year and a half to combat the biggest surge of inflation in decades. “Governing council is still concerned about risks to the outlook for inflation and remains prepared to raise the policy rate further if needed,” the bank said in its one-page announcement, reiterating earlier warnings. Mark Rendell reports.

Four high- and low-risk ways to exploit the $7,000 TFSA limit in 2024

One small benefit of high inflation is a second straight annual increase in the contribution limit for tax-free savings accounts (TFSAs). This limit is adjusted to account for year-over-year changes in the inflation rate, which has been as high as 8.1 per cent in the past 24 months. As a result, we had a $500 increase in the TFSA limit for 2023 and we’ll get an identical increase in 2024. The ceiling next year will be $7,000, which compares to $6,000 in 2022 and $5,000 when TFSAs became available in 2009. Rob Carrick explains.

– Globe Advisor Staff

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