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stars and dogs

Boyd Group Services Inc. (DOG)


The problem with mild winter weather? Not enough car accidents. Shares of Boyd Group Services Inc. dropped after the operator of collision repair centres posted a year-over-year decline in EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) in the first quarter, as a lack of snow and ice on the roads led to fewer fender benders. “While the company expects claims volumes and demand for services to normalize as the year progresses, Boyd is prepared to take steps to address the challenges the business is currently facing, should the current softer level of demand continue,” the company said. What is Boyd planning exactly? Spreading margarine on the roads? Bringing in snow-making machines to create whiteout conditions? Be careful out there, drivers.

Dow Jones Industrial Average (STAR)

There once was a gauge called the Dow

That kept rising and rising, like, wow!

But listen up, y’all

‘Cause the best part of all

Was it finally cracked forty thou’

GameStop Corp. (STAR)


They’re ba-ack. Like an antibiotic-resistant bacterial infection, the foul-mouthed speculators who inhabit the WallStreetBets forum on Reddit were fomenting chaos on markets again this week, driving up shares of GameStop Corp. and other “meme” stocks. Sparked by the reappearance of the trader “Roaring Kitty,” who posted on the social-media platform X for the first time in several years, the rally caused GameStop’s shares to more than triple before a wave of profit-taking erased much of the gains. Still, GameStop ended the week in the black, proving that YOLOers aren’t dead, they were just resting.

Bird Construction Inc. (STAR)


Look! Up in the sky! It’s not a bird or a plane! It’s Bird Construction Inc.’s high-flying stock price! Shares of the construction and maintenance company hit a new high after Bird announced that revenue surged 28 per cent to $688.2-million in the first quarter and net income nearly doubled to $10-million, helped by favourable weather and strong growth in industrial construction. With the stock gaining about 150 per cent in the past year and Bird’s total backlog sitting at a record $6.8-billion, shareholders are feeling like superheroes.


NICE - Nasdaq

Well, that’s not very NICE. Even as NICE Ltd.’s first-quarter revenue jumped 15 per cent and earnings per share rose 39 per cent – both topping expectations – investors clobbered shares of the cloud-based customer relationship management software company. Apparently, shareholders weren’t thrilled with the news that Barak Eilam plans to step down as chief executive of NICE at the end of the year after a decade at the helm and 25 years with the company. Been NICE knowing you.

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Study and track financial data on any traded entity: click to open the full quote page. Data updated as of 20/09/24 4:00pm EDT.

SymbolName% changeLast
Boyd Group Services Inc
Gamestop Corp
Bird Construction Inc
Nice Ltd ADR

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