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The S&P/TSX Composite fell 0.7 per cent for the trading week ending with Friday’s close and now sits 22.0 per cent higher for the year. Relative Strength Index (RSI) leaves the benchmark in the lower end of the technically neutral range, closer to the oversold buy signal of 30 than the overbought RSI sell signal of 70.

There are eight index members trading at attractive, oversold levels according to RSI this week. The five most oversold stocks are, in order, Enghouse Systems Ltd., Ero Copper Corp., Corus Entertainment Inc., Equitable Group Inc. and NFI Group Inc.

There are nine overbought, technically vulnerable companies trading with RSIs above the 70 sell signal, largely from defensive sectors. Fortis Inc., Emera Inc., Hydro One Ltd., AltaGas Ltd. and Loblaw Companies Ltd are the most overbought.

Ten benchmark stocks are showing strong price momentum by making new 52-week highs and they are sorted by market capitalization below. The largest companies making new highs are Bank of Nova Scotia, Nutrien Ltd., Loblaw, Fortis and George Weston Ltd.

Stella Jones Inc., Enghouse Systems Ltd., Lifeworks Inc., Ero Copper and NFI Group Inc. hit new lows.

Stocks falling to 52-week lows

Return 1W %Return YTD %Market Cap
SJ-TSTELLA-JONES INC-4.99-14.372,494,304,826
ENGH-TENGHOUSE SYSTEMS LTD-11.42-24.462,465,460,957
LWRK-TLIFEWORKS INC-5.21-18.411,697,364,094
ERO-TERO COPPER CORP-5.22-13.811,576,549,446
NFI-TNFI GROUP INC-9.33-19.021,434,097,126

Stocks jumping to 52-week highs

Return 1W %Return YTD %Market Cap
BNS-TBANK OF NOVA SCOTIA1.3633.03104,531,180,353
NTR-TNUTRIEN LTD2.0252.5150,497,434,412
L-TLOBLAW COMPANIES LTD4.7467.7234,803,560,588
FTS-TFORTIS INC4.3620.7728,496,519,465
WN-TWESTON (GEORGE) LTD5.9358.3921,882,950,977
H-THYDRO ONE LTD3.5016.5819,352,330,108
DOL-TDOLLARAMA INC6.2120.0718,490,958,078
MRU-TMETRO INC/CN7.3121.1016,398,452,842
EMA-TEMERA INC5.6521.5316,209,235,524
ALA-TALTAGAS LTD7.9449.527,415,874,429

Overbought and oversold stocks

OVERSOLD STOCKSRSIPrice200DMAReturn 1W %Return YTD %PE Ratio TTMPE Ratio Fwd
ENGH-TENGHOUSE SYSTEMS LTD20.4444.4556.48-11.42-24.4626.5926.79
ERO-TERO COPPER CORP22.1817.6723.96-5.22-13.815.056.44
CJR-B-TCORUS ENTERTAINMENT INC-B SH26.014.415.81-6.048.815.044.94
EQB-TEQUITABLE GROUP INC26.4165.3571.78-5.7435.468.027.51
NFI-TNFI GROUP INC26.6418.6026.47-9.33-19.02#N/A N/A56.29
LSPD-TLIGHTSPEED COMMERCE INC26.9750.3099.13-7.00-42.05#N/A N/A#N/A N/A
EFX-TENERFLEX LTD27.127.128.36-5.4210.2813.5913.06
SJ-TSTELLA-JONES INC27.8538.6545.47-4.99-14.3710.6212.28
OVERBOUGHT STOCKSRSIPrice200DMAReturn 1W %Return YTD %PE Ratio TTMPE Ratio Fwd
FTS-TFORTIS INC80.1860.2955.974.3620.7722.9221.52
EMA-TEMERA INC77.3362.6857.645.6521.5321.5321.28
H-THYDRO ONE LTD74.8132.3730.443.5016.5819.9820.86
ALA-TALTAGAS LTD73.1026.4824.557.9449.5218.1117.89
L-TLOBLAW COMPANIES LTD72.77103.7482.274.7467.7223.7717.84
MRU-TMETRO INC/CN72.4567.6860.697.3121.1020.4818.10
DOL-TDOLLARAMA INC72.2162.0656.186.2120.0730.9424.96
ECN-TECN CAPITAL CORP71.1611.609.682.8585.74105.6037.30
WN-TWESTON (GEORGE) LTD70.43147.79125.145.9358.3922.1916.36

Source: Bloomberg

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Study and track financial data on any traded entity: click to open the full quote page. Data updated as of 20/09/24 4:00pm EDT.

SymbolName% changeLast
Fortis Inc
AltaGas Ltd
Loblaw CO
George Weston Limited
Bank of Nova Scotia
Corus Entertainment Inc Cl B NV
Nutrien Ltd
Ero Copper Corp
Enghouse Systems Ltd
Hydro One Ltd

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