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Featured below are companies that have experienced recent insider trading activity in the public market through their direct and indirect ownerships, including accounts they have control or direction over.

The list features insider transaction activity; it does not convey total ownership information as an insider may hold numerous accounts.

Keep in mind, when looking at transaction activities by insiders, purchasing activity may reflect perceived value in a security. Selling activity may or may not be related to a stock’s valuation; perhaps an insider needs to raise money for personal reasons. An insider’s total holdings should be considered because a sale may, in context, be insignificant if this person has a large remaining position in the company. I tend to put great weight on insider transaction activity when I see multiple insiders trading a company’s shares or units.

Listed below is a stock that has had recent buying activity in the public market reported by an insider.

Freegold Ventures Limited (FVL-T)

On Aug. 21 and 22, Eric Sprott, who holds an ownership position exceeding 10 per cent, acquired a total of 143,500 shares at an average price per share of approximately 64 cents for an account in which he has indirect ownership, lifting the holdings in this specific account to 124,063,056 shares. The cost of these purchases totaled more than $91,000.


The following three stocks have had recent selling activity in the public market reported by insiders.

FirstService Corp. (FSV-T)

Between Aug. 20-23, founder and chairman Jay Hennick sold a total of 240,000 shares at an average price per share of approximately $237.52 for two accounts in which he has indirect ownership, after which both accounts held 500 shares. Proceeds from the sales totaled more than $57-million, excluding trading fees.

Peyto Exploration & Development Corp. (PEY-T)

On Aug. 15, Michael MacBean, who sits on the board of directors, divested 30,500 shares at a price per share of $14.857 for an account in which he has control or direction over, reducing the holdings in this specific account to 74,510 shares. Proceeds from the sale exceeded $453,000, not including commission charges.

VerticalScope Holdings Inc. (FORA-T)

Between Aug. 19-22, founder and chief executive officer Rob Laidlaw sold a total of 111,600 shares at an average price per share of roughly $9.12 for an account in which he has control or direction over, leaving 40,400 shares in this particular account. Proceeds from the sales exceeded $1 million, excluding trading fees.

Year-to-date, the share price has rallied 87 per cent.

The stock is one of the top performers listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

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