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Bri-Chem BRY:TSE is in the top 25 performing stocks year-to-date on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

The Globe and Mail - Thu Jun 30, 2022
Top 25 Stock Gainers Year to Date

Bri-Chem is among the group of top performing stocks year-to-date on the Toronto Stock Exchange. This means each stock on this list has seen its share price grow at a faster rate than the rest of the market so far this year.

Stocks in this category are held primarily for speculation.

This report is generated monthly. It highlights the 25 companies with the greatest percentage increase in share price year-to-date. Stocks in this category are generally held for appreciation or speculation. Companies experiencing dramatic increases in share price can do so for a variety of reasons – including bullish changes in sector outlook, potential corporate takeover, or the company has restructured and earnings are better than expected.




Total Return

AKT-A-TAkita Drilling LtdYTD100
IPCO-TInternational Petroleum CorpYTD87.412
JOY-TJourney Energy IncYTD84.074
PNE-TPine Cliff Energy LtdYTD124.75
TOU-TTourmaline Oil CorpYTD75.673
ATH-TAthabasca Oil CorpYTD110.084
YGR-TYangarra Resources LtdYTD90
ESI-TEnsign Energy Services IncYTD106.548
PPR-TPrairie Provident Resources IncYTD79.167
BRY-TBri-Chem CorpYTD403.226
PRQ-TPetrus Resources LtdYTD155.91
PD-TPrecision Drilling CorpYTD87.38
NPK-TVerde AgriTech PLCYTD153.214
OBE-TObsidian Energy LtdYTD103.839
WRG-TWestern Energy Services CorpYTD75.891
CR-TCrew Energy IncYTD68.531
SDE-TSpartan Delta CorpYTD113.735
ITE-Ti3 Energy PLCYTD77.685
STEP-TSTEP Energy Services LtdYTD196.894
CJ-TCardinal Energy LtdYTD71.663
OSP-TBrompton Oil Split CorpYTD150
PEA-TPieridae Energy LtdYTD290.323
PMT-TPerpetual Energy IncYTD90
KEI-TKolibri Global Energy IncYTD138.667
SGY-TSurge Energy IncYTD116.213

More about Bri-Chem Corp

Bri-Chem Corp supplies drilling fluids for oil and gas industries. The company provides drilling fluid products, cementing, acidizing and stimulation additives from multiple strategically located warehouses throughout Canada and the United States.

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