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Penny Oleksiak.Illustration by Photo Illustration by The Globe

Penny Oleksiak holds the title of Canada’s most decorated Olympian. But her interests span far wider than the pool. Since shooting to fame by winning four medals at the 2016 Rio Games and then taking home another three at the Tokyo Games, the 24-year-old from Toronto will be competing at the Paris Olympics this summer on Canada’s relay teams. While training for the Games is occupying most of her time these days, she spoke to The Globe and Mail about preparing to hike Mount Kilimanjaro and her interest in fashion and interior design.

What would your dream job be if you weren’t swimming?

I’d probably own a dog shelter. Or I’d probably be in interior design school. I really like just learning about things where I get to express my creativity. I’ve always been keen on starting a clothing brand. For me, ideally‚ I’d go into interior design. I love furniture, I love talking to other interior designers and going into peoples’ homes and seeing why they choose certain things.

Are there any interior designers you’ve been following or whose style you admire?

My favourite interior designer is a woman out of Toronto named Ali Budd. She’s really cool. She does a lot of like really, really classy, grand things which is awesome. And there’s a designer named Cesar Giraldo. I met him when I went to an event with the Raptors at this mansion that he did the interior design for. We were walking around the house together and he was telling me all the decisions he made. It was just unbelievable to me.

Going back to the dog shelter for just a moment, I’m guessing you have a dog?

I have a Husky. A girl. I never give her name. I always say I want to respect her privacy.

How have you two been enjoying life in California since moving there to train for the Games? Have you started surfing or anything like that?

My biggest fear is open water, so I don’t really go in the water. When we were younger, we used to drive to this beach house we would rent in Carolina. We would drive there in our minivan and watch Shark Week, so I think it stems from childhood.

So, what does a typical day in California look like for you?

It’s pretty lax. I kind of just wake up, go to training, have a matcha. Some days I come back, and I work out in Los Angeles. I get home and hang out with my dog and make food and chill. I’m really focused on just recovering properly right now. I’m usually in bed at 9 p.m.

When you’re chilling at home what’s your entertainment? Are you listening to any podcasts these days? Reading any good books?

I’m honestly a FaceTime person. I call them little podcasts because I’m just always on the phone with someone. I don’t watch that much TV or anything.

You’re planning on hiking Mount Kilimanjaro this year. What got you interested in the attempt?

I was originally supposed to make it about two years ago. I was going to hike Kilimanjaro, then get back into training for the Olympics, but then a week before I was supposed to leave for the hike, I tore my knee. Last year I was just rehabbing. Now I’m doing it in September with Natural Calm, my sponsor. They have a charity called Thrive for Good, which teaches people around the world how to create sustainable farms.

How do you pick sponsors to work with?

When I was younger, I was very much wide-eyed. I was always saying yes to everything. Whereas now I’m very intentional about where I want to put my time and energy. I do a lot of work with companies that are focused around charity and doing something bigger than just making money for the company. And I like people that are interested in what I’m doing outside of swimming as well.

Something that straddles both the worlds of swimming and your interests outside of swimming, you design your own swim wear, right?

I work with the Aquasphere team to come up with concepts and suits and stuff. I love trying everything. I dip my toe everywhere.

What’s something that’s always in your gym bag or fridge?

Lemon and Coke. I love Coca-Cola with lemon and some ice.

In my gym bag, I have a magnesium balm from Natural Calm. If I’m sore that is like my saviour.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Probably lemonade. I can’t get enough of it.

This interview has been condensed and edited.

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