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Jonathan Polin and Rachel Goldberg, parents, and sisters Orly and Leebie of killed US-Israeli hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin whose body was recovered with five other hostages in Gaza, speak during the funeral in Jerusalem on Sept. 2.Gil Cohen-Magen/The Associated Press

Sir, this is addressed to you and not the Hamas leadership because, while they are solely responsible for the abduction and murders of the hostages – including the six killed last week – they are despicable, and they are not going to end this. You have the power to do so.

Further, they are a terrorist group while you are a democratically elected leader (if one who has engaged in queasy political alliances with extremist parties to stay in power). And so, Bibi (if we may), this missive goes out to you.

First of all, mazel tov. It’s not every person who can bring so many Jews together (we are a notoriously argumentative bunch) with a shared sentiment. You’ve done it.

You brought hundreds of thousands of Israelis into the streets in an eruption of grief and anger this weekend; the largest protests to date since this war began, nearly 11 months ago now.

Going back to Oct. 7, the horrific attacks happened on your watch, a massive military failure. Israel is now fighting one of its longest, deadliest wars.

We know more about the six souls shot at close range in a tunnel under Rafah last week than we do about the thousands of Gazans who have been killed in this war, above ground. Thousands. And yet you persist.

Your Defence Minister has reportedly urged you to accept concessions in order to reach a deal. U.S. President Joe Biden says you are not doing enough to free the hostages. A huge swath of Israelis agree, including union leaders who called a (short-lived) general strike.

Not sure if you heard the people yelling outside your party headquarters Monday: “Why are they still in Gaza?”

Families of the hostages have begged you to prioritize a deal to allow them to go free. “My boy is still alive!” Einav Zangauker, mother of hostage Matan Zangauker and previously a supporter of your leadership (no longer), told one of the protests. “But each passing day is like a Russian roulette that Netanyahu is playing.”

Still, you were defiant on Monday, saying that offering concessions now would be rewarding the slaughter of hostages. You said the end of the war would come “when Hamas no longer rules Gaza.”

The situation for Palestinians in the West Bank is also dire, as your occupation continues.

Your current path is an existential threat.

Under your watch, world antisemitism has ballooned. Sure, it appears to have been lurking precipitously close to the surface, but thanks for offering the prick that allowed it to explode. Apologies if this feels like victim-blaming, but this will be part of your legacy, we’re afraid. We are afraid.

Israel could be a progressive state working on a two-state solution, which you are on record as opposing. Instead, it has become an international pariah.

We think of those six hostages waiting days, weeks, months for rescue, including Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23, who lost part of his left arm in the Oct. 7 attacks. Instead, they were shot dead. Have you seen the videos of those poor souls, which Hamas posted after murdering them? If so, how do you sleep?

We think of the Palestinian children who have also had limbs blown off in this brutal war. We think of the families in Gaza who are displaced and grieving. We think of the starving, desperate innocents.

Polio has returned to Gaza; it could spread far beyond. (Thank you, though, for allowing the pause in your war to administer polio vaccines. Perhaps this will put an end to the use of the term “genocide” to describe your massacre. Doubt it, though.)

You have let heartbreak reign. All over the world, we are sitting shiva on Facebook and X; on FaceTime calls with faraway friends. We are fighting amongst ourselves, trying to determine the best way forward. We have all become armchair military analysts. We are too sad to describe with words.

Way over here in Vancouver on Sunday, freshly hand-drawn signs offered apologies to Mr. Goldberg-Polin and Carmel Gat, who has family in Canada. “Sorry we couldn’t save you,” they said.

Online, we have seen a photo of Mr. Goldberg-Polin’s bedroom, with the poster over his desk declaring “Jerusalem is everyone’s,” in English, Arabic and Hebrew.

At his funeral, his mother Rachel stood in front of thousands, and spoke directly to her son. “Okay sweet boy, go now on your journey. I hope it’s as good as the trips you dreamed about because finally, my sweet boy, finally, finally, finally, finally you are free.”

His father, also in a ripped T-shirt denoting mourning, apologized. “We all failed you,” Jon Polin said. He added, “Maybe your death is the stone, the fuel, that will bring home the 101 other hostages.”

Prime Minister, make it so.

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